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Figure out in one minute! The structure and principle of cycloid hydraulic motor

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2020/7/27     Viewed:    

In the power rotation system of drilling rigs and other machinery, the cycloid hydraulic motor can be described as an indispensable and important functional device. Compared with ordinary hydraulic motor products, the superiority of cycloid hydraulic motor lies in its compact structure, safety and reliability, and high work efficiency. In order to improve the utilization and efficiency of the cycloid hydraulic motor, this article will take the ETN6K series hydraulic motor as an example, and briefly introduce its basic structure and working principle to help you better use it in the future.

6K series cycloid hydraulic motors are end face distribution and pressure compensation type

6K series cycloid hydraulic motors are end face distribution and pressure compensation type, mainly composed of output shaft, front cover, bearing, long linkage shaft, bearing housing, stator and rotor pair, valve disc, small linkage shaft, valve plate and preload spring, etc. composition. Cycloidal hydraulic motors have the characteristics of low speed and large torque.

The cycloid hydraulic motor has a 6-tooth cycloid rotor, which is installed in the middle of the stator and meshes with the 7 arc-toothed stator to form 7 sealed spaces. There are 12 holes on the valve plate, of which 6 are connected with the inlet ( The return port is connected, and the other 6 ports are connected to the return (inlet) port. The 7 holes on the valve disk assist the distribution plate and the cycloid rotor to form 7 volume cavities. When the high-pressure oil enters from the oil port, the three adjacent chambers enter the high-pressure oil. Under the action of oil pressure, the cycloid rotor rotates in the direction in which the volume between the teeth of the high-pressure cavity increases. Because the stator is fixed, the cycloid rotor rotates around its own axis at a low speed, and it also makes a high-speed reverse revolution around the center of the stator. . When the cycloidal rotor revolves and rolls along the stator, its oil suction and discharge cavity changes constantly, but it is always divided into two cavities with the two centers as the boundary, that is, the high-pressure cavity with increasing volume between teeth and the low-pressure cavity with decreasing volume between teeth . 1 revolution (each tooth volume completes 1 oil return cycle) 1 revolution of 1 tooth, that is, when the cycloid rotor revolves 6 revolutions, it will autotransmit 1 revolution, and the speed ratio of revolution and rotation is 6:1. When the cycloid rotor rotates one revolution, it completes 42 chamber inlet and outlet changes. The distribution plate is driven by a small linkage shaft to rotate synchronously with the cycloid rotor, completing the continuous flow distribution task, continuously expanding the volume of the high-pressure chamber, and pushing the cycloid rotor to continuously rotate. The rotation energy of the cycloid rotor is transmitted to the output shaft through the long linkage shaft, so that the output shaft continuously rotates to output torque.

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