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Some things you should know about the use of hydraulic motors

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The hydraulic motor has a high speed, low moment of inertia, easy to start and brake, and high sensitivity of speed adjustment and commutation. Although it has many advantages, it still needs to master some uses in use. If you don’t know it well , Then don’t worry, because next, our experts will share with you about the use of hydraulic motors. I hope you can read it carefully and look forward to your attention.

From the point of view of energy conversion, hydraulic pumps and hydraulic motors are hydraulic components that work reversibly, and input working fluid to any hydraulic pump.

1. Purpose of hydraulic motor:

Hydraulic motors, also known as oil motors, are mainly used in injection molding machinery, ships, hoists, construction machinery, construction machinery, coal mining machinery, mining machinery, metallurgical machinery, ship machinery, petrochemicals, port machinery, etc. The high-speed motor gear motor has the advantages of small size, light weight, simple structure, good manufacturability, insensitive to oil pollution, impact resistance and low inertia. Disadvantages include large torque pulsation, low efficiency, small starting torque (only 60%-70% of rated torque) and poor low-speed stability.

2. Features of hydraulic motor:

From the perspective of energy conversion, hydraulic pumps and hydraulic motors are hydraulic components that work reversibly. Inputting working fluid to any hydraulic pump can turn it into a hydraulic motor working condition; on the contrary, when the main shaft of the motor is driven by external torque When the drive rotates, it can also be changed to hydraulic pump working condition. Because they have the same basic structural elements-airtight but cyclically variable volume and corresponding oil distribution mechanism. However, due to the different working conditions of motors and hydraulic pumps, their performance requirements are different, so there are still many differences between hydraulic motors and hydraulic pumps of the same type. First of all, the motor should be capable of forward and reverse rotation, so its internal structure is required to be symmetrical; the speed range of the motor needs to be large enough, especially for its relatively low stable speed. Therefore, it usually uses rolling bearings or hydrostatic sliding bearings; secondly, because the hydraulic motor works under the condition of input pressure oil, it does not need to have the self-priming ability, but it needs some initial sealing to provide the necessary starting torque. Because of these differences, hydraulic motors and hydraulic pumps are structurally similar, but they cannot work reversibly.

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