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Analyze what are the requirements for the use of cycloid hydraulic motors?

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2020/7/27     Viewed:    
We all know that the cycloid hydraulic motor is a mechanical executive element, which plays an important role in the operation of the machine. However, the cycloid hydraulic motor also has many requirements in its work, not only requires specific working conditions, but also in its installation and During the use process, we still have some precautions to keep in mind. In the next article, we will analyze what are the requirements for the use of cycloid hydraulic motors? Please look down.
Install a filter with an oil filtering accuracy of not less than 30 microns on the return path of the cycloid hydraulic motor
1. Working conditions of cycloid hydraulic motor
1. The pressure and speed of the motor should not exceed the maximum value specified in the performance parameter table.
2. Oil temperature range: -20℃~80℃, normal oil temperature: 30℃~60℃
3. Oil selection: The oil viscosity of the motor under normal working conditions is 37~73 centistokes (high pressure, low speed, whichever is greater).
4. Filtration: Install a filter with an oil filtering accuracy of not less than 30 microns on the oil return path of the cycloid hydraulic motor.
5. When gears, sprockets, pulleys and pulleys are directly connected to the output shaft of the motor, the allowable radial load on the output shaft is 800 kg and the axial load is 300 kg.
2. Precautions for installation of cycloid hydraulic motor
1. See figure for appearance and installation.
2. When installing, it should be positioned with a stop to ensure coaxiality.
3. Clean the pipeline carefully when installing the cycloid hydraulic motor, and the tubing should not be bent or welded hot. The diameter of the inlet and outlet pipes should be selected so that the oil flow rate in the pipe does not exceed 5 m/s.
4. The oil port joint should use copper pad or aluminum pad, and its tightening torque is 16±1 kgm.
3. Matters needing attention in the operation of cycloid hydraulic motor
1. Check whether all components of the hydraulic system are connected correctly before operation, and add oil to the specified height through the filter.
2. Start and run for 10 to 15 minutes under no-load conditions, and perform exhaust, foam in the fuel tank, noise in the system, and stagnation in the cylinder of the cycloid hydraulic motor all prove that there is air in the system.
3. After removing the air, fill up the fuel tank, and then gradually increase the load on the motor until the load is higher, and observe whether there are abnormal phenomena such as noise, oil rise and oil leakage.
4. Replace the oil once after 50 hours of operation, and then follow the maintenance rules.
5. If the non-cycloid hydraulic motor fails, please do not disassemble it easily.
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