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There are always problems with the hydraulic system, what is the cause

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2020/7/27     Viewed:    
In the process of repairing and repairing excavators, many car owners can always hear the maintenance master reminding the hydraulic system components to deflate, but the reason and operation of the deflation of hydraulic components are vague, and the doorway is unknown.
In fact, the editor gave you a brief introduction. Everyone understands that after the hydraulic system of the excavator is disassembled, replaced and maintained, some air may be mixed in, and this air will cause the excavator to operate poorly. Abnormal noise such as malfunction.
Many owners will ask, is it necessary to vent the hydraulic components? Do I need to deflate every time I take care of it? How to operate deflation? Can you deflate?
In fact, in order to prevent the ablation and cavitation of hydraulic components, deflation measures are taken, because if air is mixed into the hydraulic system, the air will be compressed or expanded due to the load, which may cause the hydraulic components to not operate smoothly. , Will shorten the service life of each hydraulic component!
Generally, many hydraulic systems have abnormal problems such as abnormal noise and poor operation. Everyone has been checking it for a long time. The cause of the malfunction may be this kind of air, which causes the owner not only to stop the inspection but also to ride. There is no small loss.
Therefore, the editor also reminds everyone that if you need to repair, disassemble hydraulic components, or replace hydraulic oil and other skin care products, you must be careful to deflate to ensure that the hydraulic system will not cause serious failure due to air.
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